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Liam couldn’t wait!

We were scheduled to go to the hospital a week early (Oct 7), but at 4am when Ciara started having contractions we knew he was coming NOW! Unlike Oliver’s arrival where we weren’t in a rush nor did we even know if Ciara’s water had broken, this time we RUSHED to the hospital. We made a quick stop to drop off Oliver with Grandma and Grandpa Maguire and then 2 ignored red lights later we arrived at about 5:15 am. The contractions were about 2 minutes apart. The nurse checked her and found that she was dialated to a 9. Then about 1 hour later Liam Oaks Richardson arrived. Oliver’s delivery took around 12 hours and Liam came in 2. He was 7lbs 9oz at 20″ long. We will have a lot more to post as soon as we get home, but for now here are a couple pics from my phone. We love you all and are overjoyed to have another wonderful boy in our family.